About us
Jobs Townsville North Queensland
Jobs Townsville North Queensland (JTNQ) is a Regional Jobs Committee (RJC) established by the Queensland Government and is a key part of the broader Good People. Good Jobs: Queensland Workforce Strategy 2022 – 2032.
With 12 RJC’s across Queensland, the Committees bring together local workforce and skilling stakeholders such as industry groups, training providers, small and major employers, employee representatives, chambers of commerce and councils to identify local skilling and workforce issues and deliver local solutions. This may include planning local training investments that match local skill needs and drive regional job creation.
RJCs are funded by the Department of Trade, Employment and Training (DTET), with RDA being the contract holder for the Townsville and North Queensland project. Through the Agreement, RDA has employed a dedicated Committee secretariat and project manager for the Townsville-based RJC, Jobs Townsville North Queensland.
Established in early 2020, JTNQ represents the workforce and skilling needs of stakeholders across the five local governments areas (LGAs) of Townsville, Hinchinbrook, Burdekin, Charters Towers, and Palm Island. The Committee operates under a Terms of Reference with a chair, and committee members.
JTNQ has identified its key purpose, industry focus areas, and strategic priorities, and delivers against an Annual Action Plan. To learn more about JTNQ and our projects or to get involved, please email us at .
To learn more about the Regional Jobs Committees Program, please visit DESBT