
RDA engages and collaborates with a variety of economic development focussed alliances, committees and organisations. This list below provides an overview of the committees and networks in which RDA regularly participates.

Jobs Townsville North
Queensland (JTNQ)

what do they do?

The Jobs Townsville North Queensland Advisory Board (JTNQ) was initially established as Jobs Townsville to guide the implementation of the workforce development plan that was delivered under the Townsville City Deal. The scope has since expanded, with the support of the Queensland Government’s Department of Employment, Small Business and Training to include the five councils of the North Queensland region. The purpose of JTNQ is to support jobs growth in a strategic manner across priority industry sectors resulting in the benefit of a stronger, more capable and better skilled local labour pool that can positively impact the regional workforce. RDA is the secretariate for JTNQ.

Northern RDA Alliance

what do they do?

The Northern RDA Alliance (NRDAA) comprises of eight Regional Development Australia Committees which cover Northern Australia, from the Gascoyne in Western Australia to Gladstone in Central Queensland. The Alliance has been collaborating and providing input to the Australian Government on the development and delivery of the White Paper on Developing Northern Australia.  Our aim is to inform and support policy development and its implementation, and to prioritise investment opportunities to ensure the sustainable development of Northern Australia. RDA Chairman Frank Beveridge and CEO Wayde Chiesa are members in this Alliance.

The Mount Isa to Townsville Economic Development Zone (MITEZ)

what do they do?

The Mount Isa to Townsville Economic Development Zone (MITEZ) is a regional economic development organisation covering seven local government areas – Mount Isa, Cloncurry, McKinlay, Richmond, Flinders, Charters Towers and Townsville. RDA attends meetings as an observer to keep abreast of the work MITEZ is doing and support and contribute as required. RDA CEO Wayde Chiesa attends these meetings.

The North and North West Queensland Regional Managers’ Coordination Networks

what do they do?

The North and North West Queensland Regional Managers’ Coordination Networks (RMCNs) meet regularly to share information on Queensland Government priorities and cross-government collaborative opportunities. 

The North Queensland Trade and Investment Group

what do they do?

The North Queensland Trade and Investment Group was established by Trade and Invest Queensland, RDA, regional councils in North Queensland, Townsville Enterprise and other key stakeholders to share information on inward investment and export development opportunities in the North Queensland region.  

The North West Mineral Province (NWMP) Stakeholder Advisory Committee

what do they do?

The North West Mineral Province Stakeholder Advisory Committee (NWMP SAC)  was established by the Queensland Government to oversee the implementation of the initiatives identified in the Strategic Blueprint for Queensland’s NWMP (the blueprint). The NWMP SAC is a high-level forum to discuss and resolve strategic issues relating to the blueprint and its implementation. RDA CEO Wayde Chiesa is a Member of the Committee.